Here, I will dedicate this page to a run down of what Cryx models I have, and maybe discussions, rules, or whatever underneath that.
pDenny - Painted
eDenny - Painted
eGaspy - Painted
eGoreshade - Base Colours
pSkarre - Undercoated
eSkarre - Undercoated
Mortenebra - Undercoated
Venethrax - Undercoated
Witch Coven - Unassembled
Helldivers x2 - Undercoated
Stalkers x2 - Painted
Deathrippers x2 - Painted
Cankerworm - Painted
Harrower - Painted
Nightmare - Painted
Bane Knights (Min) - Painted
Blackbanes (Min + 2 Spares) - Painted
Overlords Unit x1 - Undercoated
Soulhunters (Max) - 1 Painted, 2 Undercoated, 2 Unassembled
Bloodgorgers (Max) - 7 Undercoated, 3 Assembled
Bane Thralls + UA (Max Unit + 2 Spares + 2 UA) - UA Assembled, 4 Assembled and 8 Unassembled
Bile Thralls (Min x 2) - 6 Painted, 6 Unassembled
Mechanithralls (Max) + 1xWA - WA Assembled, 10 Unassembled
Necrotechs x3 - 2 Base Colours, 1 Unassembled
Bloat Thralls x2 - 1 Painted, 1 Unassembled
Skarlock Thrall - Painted
Bane Lord Tartarus - Painted
Warwitch Sirens x2 - 1 Painted, 1 Undercoated
Pistol Wraiths x2 - 2 Painted
Machine Wraiths x3 - 3 Painted
Gerlak Slaughterborn - Base Colours
Darragh Wrathe (Dragoon) - Mounted Base Colours, Dismounted Partially Assembled
Phew that took longer than I thought.
Before I ramble on, Ill add some pictures to spruce up the joint, and perhaps comment on each picture also.
Imperial Guard get their first run
Took what will eventually be my Cadian 317th Regiment "The Lost and
Forlorn" out for their first game last night. Went up against a fun
Genestealer cult l...
6 years ago