Shadow Empire of Cryx

Here, I will dedicate this page to a run down of what Cryx models I have, and maybe discussions, rules, or whatever underneath that.



pDenny - Painted
eDenny - Painted
eGaspy - Painted
eGoreshade - Base Colours
pSkarre - Undercoated
eSkarre - Undercoated
Mortenebra - Undercoated
Venethrax - Undercoated
Witch Coven - Unassembled


Helldivers x2 - Undercoated
Stalkers x2 - Painted
Deathrippers x2 - Painted
Cankerworm - Painted
Harrower - Painted
Nightmare - Painted


Bane Knights (Min) - Painted
Blackbanes (Min + 2 Spares) - Painted
Overlords Unit x1 - Undercoated
Soulhunters (Max) - 1 Painted, 2 Undercoated, 2 Unassembled
Bloodgorgers (Max) - 7 Undercoated, 3 Assembled
Bane Thralls + UA (Max Unit + 2 Spares + 2 UA) - UA Assembled, 4 Assembled and 8 Unassembled
Bile Thralls (Min x 2) - 6 Painted, 6 Unassembled
Mechanithralls (Max) + 1xWA - WA Assembled, 10 Unassembled


Necrotechs x3 - 2 Base Colours, 1 Unassembled
Bloat Thralls x2 - 1 Painted, 1 Unassembled
Skarlock Thrall - Painted
Bane Lord Tartarus - Painted
Warwitch Sirens x2 - 1 Painted, 1 Undercoated
Pistol Wraiths x2 - 2 Painted
Machine Wraiths x3 - 3 Painted
Gerlak Slaughterborn - Base Colours
Darragh Wrathe (Dragoon) - Mounted Base Colours, Dismounted Partially Assembled

Phew that took longer than I thought.

Before I ramble on, Ill add some pictures to spruce up the joint, and perhaps comment on each picture also.