1500 points a side, 6 players total, Khador + Skorne + Protectorate of Menoth vs Circle Orboros + Trollbloods + Legion of Everblight.
It was a lot of fun!
Ill start with a quick rundown of the army i took, and the results, and put up more details tomorrow morning.
500 point Khador list:
Vlad the Dark Prince
-> Behemoth
-> Beast 09
-> Destroyer
Haha, yes, thats right, 4 models total. Was hilarious. Everyone else had 10 - 15... but hey, was good times for me, i didnt lose a single model during the entire game!
We played for 4 turns (I think) and the end result was a draw. Out of the 6 Warcasters who started the game, 2 of them had died, one on each side.
Khadors Vladimir - Survived, but hurt
Skornes Tyrant Hexeris - Died to Woldwardens and Woldwyrds
Protectorates Reznik - Survived
Circles Baldur - Survived, almost hit him with a bombard shot in the last turn :P
Legions Lylyth - Survived
Trollbloods Grim Angus - Died, to the Behemoths AP fists
We didnt bother working out VPs, so called it a draw as there was no obvious victor.
Imperial Guard get their first run
Took what will eventually be my Cadian 317th Regiment "The Lost and
Forlorn" out for their first game last night. Went up against a fun
Genestealer cult l...
6 years ago
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