Thursday, October 30

Massive Battle at MDC

1500 points a side, 6 players total, Khador + Skorne + Protectorate of Menoth vs Circle Orboros + Trollbloods + Legion of Everblight.

It was a lot of fun!

Ill start with a quick rundown of the army i took, and the results, and put up more details tomorrow morning.

500 point Khador list:

Vlad the Dark Prince
-> Behemoth
-> Beast 09
-> Destroyer

Haha, yes, thats right, 4 models total. Was hilarious. Everyone else had 10 - 15... but hey, was good times for me, i didnt lose a single model during the entire game!

We played for 4 turns (I think) and the end result was a draw. Out of the 6 Warcasters who started the game, 2 of them had died, one on each side.

Khadors Vladimir - Survived, but hurt
Skornes Tyrant Hexeris - Died to Woldwardens and Woldwyrds
Protectorates Reznik - Survived

Circles Baldur - Survived, almost hit him with a bombard shot in the last turn :P
Legions Lylyth - Survived
Trollbloods Grim Angus - Died, to the Behemoths AP fists

We didnt bother working out VPs, so called it a draw as there was no obvious victor.


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