Thursday, February 12

Prototype Old Witch Lists

I think I may have just found my second favourite caster - the Old Witch. (Nothing beats the emo-awesomeness that is Vlad)

Prototype Lists at each point level: (feel free to comment/criticize)

Faction: Khador
Points: 349
Model Count: 6
Victory Points: 15

Zevanna Agha, Old Witch of Khador
> Scrapjack
> Behemoth
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt

Faction: Khador
Points: 499
Model Count: 21
Victory Points: 20

Zevanna Agha, Old Witch of Khador
> Scrapjack
> Behemoth
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
Battle Mechaniks [6] (2 added)
Great Bears of Gallowswood [3]
Iron Fang Pikemen [6] (0 added)
> Iron Fang Officer and Standard Bearer [2]

Faction: Khador
Points: 748
Model Count: 39
Victory Points: 26

Zevanna Agha, Old Witch of Khador
> Scrapjack
> Behemoth
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
Battle Mechaniks [4] (0 added)
Great Bears of Gallowswood [3]
Iron Fang Pikemen [10] (4 added)
> Iron Fang Officer and Standard Bearer [2]
Kayazy Assassins [10] (4 added)
> Kayazy Assassins Underboss [1]
Man-O-War Demolition Corps [5] (2 added)


  1. Is it worth the investment in the mechanics if you're only really running one jack? (I'm not counting Scrapjack). Sure, it's the Behemoth, but if your army is mainly infantry et al, is it really worth putting points into jack support?

  2. Well, my whole idea of including the mechaniks wasnt to repair the behemoth (which of course, is on the cards if it came to that) but mostly as soul fodder for the old witch for her assassination run. mmm souls.

    (In the report im about to write up today, i used a 5 man unit of mechaniks as fodder for old witch, giving her 11 focus for her next turn. Successfully killed Feora with it!)

    I think its kinda worth the 20 odd point investment for a potential extra 4-6 focus on a round, in terms of Wracks you are getting 3 focus for 15 points, so its about the same.

  3. Wish I'd read this before you turned up with this list on Sunday :(
