Here is an interesting thread started by a fellow kiwi gamer (one of the bloggers for KiwiThralls) regarding Sorcha Winterguard lists. As you may be able to tell with some of my previous posts, I enjoy whooping butt with the good old infantry, and have had a few successful lists that I enjoy.
This is mostly concerning the possibility of a powerful tiered Sorcha list, and constructing lists and discussions about them online. My own suggestion for a 15PC eSorcha list is as follows:
> Juggernaut
Full Winterguard w/ UA
Kovnik Joe
Field Gun x 2
Very basic army composition, downgrading Beast to a normal Juggernaut (mostly just to use up the jack points, could almost bring a Kodiak instead... or perhaps a Marauder). By doing this im able to bring the Full Winterguard plus bonuses, except the WAs, but in this small game i wouldnt think that was necessary.
The two field guns can run the first turn, pushing them 18" into the centre of the board, and with their 16" range they will be able to plug away all game long - with the option of boosting to hit with Joe for the crit KD (which the Juggy/Winterguard could abuse).
Hard targets like enemy Jacks can be taken care of with the Juggy, or massive CRAs, and soft targets will die in droves to boosted to hit Blunderbusses. You have a hard to hit, hard to kill massive unit with the WG, plus the legendary resilience of the Juggernaut.
In regards to picking the Juggy, i think the benefit of taking the full unit of WG outweigh the benefit of upgrading to Beast. It would be possible to drop the field guns for Beast, but then this army may not be able to compete with other long range armies ie Cygnar Haley etc etc. Juggy cant output as much damage, but is STILL hard to kill, and has a POW19 axe.
My basic plan would be - advance the WG bobbing and weaving with tough + desperate pace + IF, giving you a practically unkillable unit. (even AOE spam would give you a good chance of surviving with most of them) the field guns would run into the middle of the board, using their extra trooper to help the WG and popping away at most things (as they are large based, they could draw LOS much easier to enemy heavies) The Juggy would be heavy support, keeping up with the WG and trying to look for a good oppurtunity to lay that axe into something.
eSorcha doing what she does best - hiding behind the WG doling out buffs and focus. And then maybe having to charge on in and help out with the real foot-slogging poor bloody infantry work, and actually kill something! with her MAT6 or w/e.
Bad Matchups -
Karchev full heavy jack army. This would be a good anti-WG army, POW12 blunderbusses doing very little to ARM20+, field guns not KD Karchev with Sidearms up, stupid threat ranges and unearthly rage tramples. eewww. any suggestions? One juggy would not be able to take out multiple Zerkers or Behemoth + Beast 09.
(this is from that thread as well, if you didnt notice).
I think i will enjoy these types of discussions, however it is difficult to tell what other possible tier lists will exist for Khador - Sorcha being one of the few that have a true 'theme' to her that will be guaranteed to make it to a tiered list.
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6 years ago