Sunday, February 21

15pt Battle - Khador vs Menoth

The third game we had that fateful day (this was actually the middle game) was a 15pt brawl between Menoth and Khador - using the pVlad list from this post here, and him taking the same list he took against Circle here except for swapping a couple of things about, biggest change being swapping the arc-node Jack for the Castigator.


John went first, and positioned his troops nice and neatly in a line. My Jacks protect Vlad, while the Mechaniks wait to help out any way they can - even if it costs them their lives! (Which, it turns out, is how they helped.) The Manhunters on the right flank, Advance Deployed.

Turn 1:
Menoth rushed forwards, covering about half the ground by running. I know that my Jacks have about an 11.5" Threat range with Vlad popping his feat, and 13.5" if I Boundless Charged them. I measured his control range, and both my Jacks were easily in range of the Castigator!! First turn feat, focus on each jack, BoK and BAM. Castigator and a Paladin down, and Drago was in melee range of the High Reclaimer! All of a sudden, I realised I was very vulnerable to a unit of charging Weaponmasters, so the loyal Mechaniks ran and engaged them.

Turn 2:
John was a bit stuck here, so did the only thing he really could. He wiped out the Mechaniks with the Knights, walked High Reclaimer away - losing half his health to Drago's free strike - and popped his own feat, bringing back the Paladin. The Paladin then charged, and did some damage to Drago.

I saw an awesome opportunity - and took it. The rest of my army killed off as many Knights from the back of the unit as i could, then Drago trampled over the remaining of them as well as the newly resurrected Paladin - under the effects of Signs and Portents and Vlads affinity.

Final Turn:

Thoroughly demoralised at the loss of his army, the High Reclaimer advanced and tried to kill Vlad with his spells - which didnt even touch the mighty Khadoran noble. Vlad pops Signs and Portents, and the Manhunter charges the High Reclaimer, killing him in two fell swoops.

Final Thoughts:

pVlad is still a beasty beasty caster, but cannot cast both S+P and BoK in the same turn anymore. This leads to a much more interesting game, with Vlad having to be at least a little bit more careful with what he is doing. Drago again, with Vlad is incredible. Unfortunately, hes the only caster that Drago is incredible with. Still, they make a great team. The rest of the army was filler, and im glad that the Mechaniks were there. They easily saved either Vlad's or Drago's life - and were well worth 2pts. Vlads feat is brutal, and on such a short table can mean early destruction first round.

Friday, February 19

35pt and 30pt Battle - Khador + Circle vs Menoth

An awesome battle between John, Emma and I, we played a 35 pt Menoth force vs a 15 pt Khador and 15 pt Circle army. The extra 5 points for John was to make up for the fact he was fighting against a two Warcaster/Warlock team.

I brought the Old Witch army list I took in the previous game here, and Emma took her Mohsar list that she used in the previous game, here. Johns list was impressively huge, with two Heavies, a Light and a large number of Menite Infantry. You can see his list here (Game 3).


Circle sets up on the far left, Khador on the far right. Menoth is pretty even right in the middle.

Turn 1/2:

Menoth rushes forwards to Circles position, while trying to hold up Khador positioned on his flank. Kossites come in from the sides, one unit taking out Menoth artillery, and the other unit trying to support Circle.

Turn 3:

Khador cleans up on the right flank, while Circle holds solid with a wall of salt against the Menite heavies. Things wont look good if those Heavies get to Mohsar...

Turn 4:

Menoth heavies engage Megalith, who pounds them to bits, unfortunately failing to destroy them. The attrition is in full swing, with most of the KE dying to Crevasse and other circle attacks. The Kossites pester Feora and her support by coming around behind. John's arc-node light Jack is engaging my forces, slowing me down to help out in the middle.

Turn 5:

With a resounding bang, Megalith goes down to the fists and maces of the Menoth heavy jacks. Circle is very quickly running out of models, and Mohsar is reduced to spamming Crevasse in a hope of taking out the heavy Jacks systems. The Old Witch is hurrying to get into the battle, the resolute Menoth Light manages to survive a round of combat with the Destroyer. The Kossites shoot out the Heirophant, and further pester Feora, forcing her into the open.

Final Turns:

The next couple of turns are pretty slow, the Kossites regroup and pepper Feora with shots, and die to attacks by the Knights Exemplar. The Old Witch advances on Feora, intent on sacrificing her to Mother Khador. Mohsar avoids assassination with his hiding around, but is forced to bleed himself dry for fury. He struggles in the face of an incoming heavy. The game ends at this point, as John needs to go home...


Final Thoughts:

"The Old Witch looks hungrily at Feora, still blazing with righteous fury. Her steel claws click together as she anticipates the kill. Looking over to her one-time ally, Mohsar, she sees him in peril, one of the mighty Menoth Warjacks looming over him. Sighing, and letting out an inhuman cry - sounding like a flock of crows - she implodes in a cloud of black feathers, just as a jet of Menoth's Fury scorches the ground she once stood.

Feora looks around, slightly confused, as the Kossites melt into the woods around them. Deathly silence descends on the field, and Feora proudly leads the remaining haggard Knights Exemplar and the limping Castigator from the field.

Mohsar snarls angrily at the Crusader, about to slam its mighty Inferno Mace right on top of him, as a swarm of black crows envelopes the gigantic construct. It is distracted for a moment, and then continues its arc - crashing into the ground that Mohsar stood mere seconds earlier.

To live, to fight again another day..."

This was a really fun game, with the Old Witch trying to Guerilla the enemy Menites. John played very strategically, throwing away a portion of his army to the hungry Khadorans in order to concentrate his attacks on Circle. As luck would have it, a bitter melee left both armies crippled, but the game ended before the almost fresh forces of Khador could get to the enemy lines. This was a very long game, but one I think all of us thoroughly enjoyed.

Monday, February 15

15pt Battle - Circle vs Menoth

This game was between Emma and John - John had his list that you can see here at his blog, and Emma took a list similar to what she had brought last game:

Mohsar the Desertwalker
War Wolf
Lord of the Feast

Turn 1:
The deployment: A line of Knights, against a lone few Warbeasts...

The main advance. You can just see Lord of the Feast in the background, about to munch on some Menite artillerists.

Turn 2:

Circle is defensive, but manages to Crevasse most of the Knights Exemplar.

Turn 3:
Menoth has almost lost all of his troops, and most of them aren't coming back. The Circle forces are able to defend, and are practically untouched.

Final Turn:
On his last legs, the High Reclaimer pops his feat - and a Seneschal appears in Mohsars back arc. 2 attacks and a chain-attack Smite later, and Mohsar has been assassinated!

My Thoughts:

Even though I didn't play this game, this was a close match with some great swings of momentum. I thought Circle had it in the bag, and then Menoth came back with a brilliant use of his feat to get an awesome Assassination run. Exciting games!

Emma's Thoughts:

I could almost taste the win in this game, but that was right before the High Reclaimer popped his feat. Thankfully few of the models could return due to Mohsar removing them from play rather than destroying them with Crevasse. However, it only took one Seneschal being resurrected in Mohsars back arc to finish him off. Next time I'll be more careful about Seneschals! Very pleased with Lord of the Feast, he was awesome and loving Crevasse. Mohsar is my current favorite caster!

15pt Battle - Khador vs Circle

Another quick battle at 15pts, this time the Old Witch vs Baldur the Stonecleaver.

Emma took Baldur, Megalith, a Woldwyrd, Lord of the Feast, and a Warwolf.

I took my Old Witch "Guerilla Warfare" list.

Guerilla Warfare:

Not quite painted, but getting there. I need to paint up those Kossites, but they are such bland models... this army starts off with very little board presence, but able to bring in 12 Kossites from the sides to mess with the squishy support at the back.

Old Witch and her Guerilla Army

Turn 1:

Baldur advances under cover of Forests, but luckily for me OW and the Destroyer ignore it for LOS. Destroyer takes a shot, doing practically no damage to Megalith.

Turn 2:

Old Witch hunkers down behind cover, while the Kossites move in on the left flank, trying to get behind Baldur. They take some pot-shots, doing nothing except kill the War Wolf.

Turn 3:

The Old Witch puts Murder of Crows on herself, keeping her safe. Megalith and Baldur were spamming Earth Spikes, knocking down and slightly damaging the Destroyer, but missing with most things. The Woldwyrd was causing OW's spells to cost double, which was annoying as hell. The Kossites fire some more shots, most missing horribly.

Turn 4:

Baldur pops his feat, and Megalith charges, ending .5" out of range of the Destroyer. The Destroyer laid into Megalith with his axe, failing to destroy him. Even going half speed, Scrapjack manages to charge and kill the Lord of the Feast. The Kossites aim, and need 12's to hit Baldur. 12 shots later, one hit... doing no damage.

Final Turn:

Megalith trashes the Destroyer, with POW18 fists, and Baldur fails to do any serious damage with Earth Spikes. Old Witch teleports to Scrapjack, and feeds him 4 Focus. The Kossites unleash hell, finally doing some damage to Baldur (about 1/3rd I think). Scrappy moves up, and attacks multiple times - with Baldur transferring one hit, he still goes down to the insane Warjacks multiple attacks.


Old Witch with Kossites is really good, they suit her style of play (Guerilla Warfare) to a tee, and can do some decent damage - but only on squishy models. I was lucky Emma didnt aim at them for a turn, as she probably could have killed most of them. The only problem with this list is that she cant take on heavy armour, the only high POW weapon I have is the Destroyer, and if he goes down thats it. Megalith would have been practically invincible had this game continued.

Scrappy is a decent assassin, but again, has low MAT and POW. Old Witch proved yet again hard to pin down and kill, and feels like a Cryx caster more than a Khador caster. Still, a fun game, if a long one!

Emmas Thoughts:

I hate hate hate the Kossites! They are very intimidating coming in from the side and I shouldn't have ignored them like I did in this game. If I was in this position again I think I would use Lord of the Feast to take them out and failing that probably the Woldwyrd. This was my first time using Baldur and I will hopefully better understand how to use him next time :). First time using Megalith too and loved him! Especially with Stoneskin. Now I just need Toshi to buy me the model so I don't have to proxy him.......

Saturday, February 13

15pt Battle - Khador vs Circle

A new game against Emma, practising the 15pt battles that Ive been building lists for. In the interests of lightning quick games, we are playing width ways rather than length ways on my 4' by 2' gaming board.

While this does allow for some extreme 1st turn threat ranges (ie, in this game, first turn my Doom Reavers charged and killed a Feral Warpwolf) the game is into it much quicker, and the pace feels more fun for 15pt games.

Todays game was Zerkovas 15pt army - The Greylord Enclave. (#5 on the list).

I was playing against Emma's first try at Mohsar the Desertwalker, with a Feral Warpwolf, an Argus and a Gorax for beasts, and Lord of the Feast for her solo.

Turn 1:

Doom Reavers charge, and 3 of them kill the Feral Warpwolf. The rest of the army moves up into combat.

Between Mohsar, the Gorax, and the Argus, they wipe out the offending Doom Reavers.

Turn 2:

Beast 09 juuuuust makes his charge attack, and Threshers both the Argus and the Gorax - freezing the Gorax solid, but failing to kill either.

Greylords move up the flank to protect against Lord of the Feast, but dont kill him.

Mohsar damages Beast, causing him to advance and get him in melee. In desperation, Mohsar kills the Lord of the Feast with Sands of Fate and takes his place.

Final Turn:

Beast 09 managed to kill both Warbeasts, but on Mohsars turn (proxied by Kaya this game btw) he cuts for full fury, and proceeds to annihilate Zerkova with a boosted Sand Howler and a boosted Crevasse. Argh!

Final Thoughts:

Great fun, and a really nice, quick game. Zerkova is good in these low point battles, but I always misjudge how resilient she is. Mohsar is another brilliant Circle lock, with almost unmatched mobility. Doom Reavers were great, advanced deployment, and 11" threat are really good in this short distance game, and they definitely made their points back.

Tuesday, February 9

Vs John - 15pt lists

John and I are going to test out our brand new MK2 models with a few 15pt games, being able to try out some models and warcasters we wouldnt normally have used.

Ill write up a bunch of 15pt lists (6 im hoping) then randomly determine which ones ill play. Each one will have a semi-theme, and all use different Warcasters.

(1) pVlad - Berzerker Fury!

Vladimir, The Dark Prince
Battle Mechaniks (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Harlan Versh

(2) pSorcha - Freeze and Bomb

Kommander Sorscha
^War dog
Winter Guard Mortar Crew (Leader and Grunt)
Winter Guard Mortar Crew (Leader and Grunt)

(3) Karchev - Can't touch this, deh deh deh deh.. etc.

Karchev the Terrible

(4) Old Witch - Guerilla Warfare

Zevanna Agha, the Old Witch of Khador
^War dog
Kossite Woodsmen (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Kossite Woodsmen (Leader and 5 Grunts)

(5) Zerkova - Greylord Enclave

Koldun Kommander Aleksandra Zerkova
Doom Reavers (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Greylord Ternion (Leader and 2 Grunts)

(6) pButcher - Insane In The Membrane!

The Butcher of Khardov
^War dog

So this should be fun, any of these lists should be viable, and we will see how they do against the might of Johns army!

Friday, February 5

Heroes For Sale Game - 20/2/10

Im going to be playing a 50pt game with Toby at Heroes for Sale in couple of weeks, not this saturday but the one after.

Should be good fun, if you live in Palmy come and have a look :)

Ill be taking my good old eSorcha Winterguard list - and just to give Toby a heads-up this is what ill be running:

Forward Kommander Sorscha
^War dog
Battle Mechaniks (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Great Bears of Gallowswood
Greylord Ternion (Leader and 2 Grunts)
Greylord Ternion (Leader and 2 Grunts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Winter Guard Infantry (Leader and 9 Grunts)
3 Winter Guard Infantry Rocketeers
Winter Guard Infantry Officer & Standard
Winter Guard Mortar Crew (Leader and Grunt)
Winter Guard Mortar Crew (Leader and Grunt)
Harlan Versh
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich

This is basically an expansion of my other 35pt list, with the "Winterguard Deathstar" as its now being called, backed up by some heavy support - namely Mortars and Greylords. The Greatbears and Manhunters flank, while the Widowmakers and Harlan Versh skirmish in front in order to pick off incoming forces.

Ill probably be playing vs Khador, so Beast 09 and eSorchas feat are what I will use as an answer to heavy armour. At the end of the day, my Winterguard will be hard to kill, and will advance as close to the enemy Warcaster as possible to finish the game.