Ill write up a bunch of 15pt lists (6 im hoping) then randomly determine which ones ill play. Each one will have a semi-theme, and all use different Warcasters.
(1) pVlad - Berzerker Fury!
Vladimir, The Dark Prince
Vladimir, The Dark Prince
Battle Mechaniks (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Harlan Versh
Manhunter(2) pSorcha - Freeze and Bomb
Kommander Sorscha
^War dog
Winter Guard Mortar Crew (Leader and Grunt)
Winter Guard Mortar Crew (Leader and Grunt)(3) Karchev - Can't touch this, deh deh deh deh.. etc.
Karchev the Terrible
Karchev the Terrible
^Devastator(4) Old Witch - Guerilla Warfare
Zevanna Agha, the Old Witch of Khador
Zevanna Agha, the Old Witch of Khador
^War dog
Kossite Woodsmen (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Kossite Woodsmen (Leader and 5 Grunts)(5) Zerkova - Greylord Enclave
Koldun Kommander Aleksandra Zerkova
Doom Reavers (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Greylord Ternion (Leader and 2 Grunts)(6) pButcher - Insane In The Membrane!
The Butcher of Khardov
The Butcher of Khardov
^War dog
ManhunterSo this should be fun, any of these lists should be viable, and we will see how they do against the might of Johns army!
Ah damn Khador so many painful options I have to face. I ran into Toby at Club last night mate so keen on getting some games in against him to, pity he's a Khador fanatic as well