Thursday, January 12

Test Army - Toad Hall Leagues

A testing game of my potential league army is coming up this weekend, the current thoughts for it, without giving away the tactics behind the army, is looking like this:

Wraith Witch Deneghra
>Skarlock Thrall
Bane Knights (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Blackbane's Ghost Raiders (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Machine Wraith
Machine Wraith
Machine Wraith
Pistol Wraith
Pistol Wraith
Warwitch Siren
Warwitch Siren

There are a few alternatives im thinking about as well, but it will depend on wether 1 arcnode is sufficient, or if I should really bring two. I could also drop the Skarlock and Warwitch Siren (one of them) for full Bane Knights, which would increase their effectiveness - but since we are playing scenarios, killing enemy heavies is not the highest priority... or is it?

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